Installing Battlefield 2™
Register at bf2hub
Please visit in order to register an battlefield 2 account. Since gamespy is dead since 2014 there is no official server managing battlefield 2 account anymore. But bf2hub is the rescue to play battlefield 2 still online!
In order to get an account you will need your valid battlefield 2 cd key and additional special forces.
Activate Unlocks and BFHQ
In order to obtain unlocks for your account you will have to change the BFHQ ranking in the Bf2Hub client settings. Therefore start the Bf2Hub Client.

1. Click of the outermost right tab BFHQ Ranking.

2. This will popup a window. Select Custom and type in
and confirm.

3. Enter in the custom field and hit ok. Done!
Installing Battlefield 2 DVD
In the following we will describe the installation of Battlefield 2 the classical way with a DVD disc or something equivalent to. This part is a little bit confusing, because installing just the base game is not enough. Please follow these steps:
Sadly there is no complete patch, but you will need Version 1.5 in order to keep playing on most online servers today. Please keep this install order to keep things right.
In the end you need some fix if you want to tab out of your game. This fix can be downloaded here. Just put this in the main battlefield 2 folder.
Installing Battlefield 2 via Origin
In the following we will describe the installation of the battlefield 2 (complete collection) in origin in more detail. We will proceed with small steps, so you always keep the overview. In addition, it should be cleared up ambiguity out of the way. For illustration, we use screenshots.
There are sereval ways to get a legal copy of Battlefield 2. Now we look in more detail about getting battlefield 2 in origin. First of all you need to regsiter an EA account. If you already have one, fine. Next thing is the origin client. This can be downloaded here.
After you have purchased the Battlefield 2 Complete Collection, you can download it from the store. Browse to your game repository and click download.

Installing the Bf2Hub Client
In the following we will describe the installation of the bf2hub client in more detail. We will proceed with small steps, so you always keep the overview. In addition, it should be cleared up ambiguity out of the way. For illustration, we use screenshots.
Please visit the Bf2 Hub Download Page to download the Bf2Hub Client.

The nex step is important. Plese set every section to true. The first section will help the bf2hub software to detect your cd key automatically. The secend is the most important, it will make your game ready for bf2hub network. The third will keep the bf2 client up to date.